
The connection was interrupted
The connection was interrupted

the connection was interrupted

  • Un-updated WLAN Driver may trigger this error.
  • the connection was interrupted

  • DNS servers are responsible for translating domain names to numeric IP addresses and leading them to the right website, if any error with them so your access to any website may block, you can fix those by changing the DNS server’s address.
  • Antivirus has the ability to block the internet access of any specific program or software, if they found something suspicious so many they can block the access of your browser internet.
  • Browser cache also works like the DNS cache, they contain the user data but not of the entire system they only contain the data of the browser.
  • DNS cache is a temporary database of your computer which contains your recent domain activities much cache can block the access of website domains, so you have to clear these all.
  • May sometimes Startup apps and programs can interrupt your internet connection.
  • The issue with networking device like Wi-Fi router and mobile hotspot.
  • So I think you should know each one and fix them. Unstable internet connection is a major issue with this, it visible due to interrupted internet connection, there are many possible causes that can trigger or replicate this error.
  • Configure Firewall and fix err_network_changed.
  • Err_network_changed your connection was interrupted, this error you may see in your browser when your internet connection interrupted, it may be triggered by many reasons, maybe issue with your system configuration or internet device can be, contact us.

    The connection was interrupted